Dance tips

  1. Up and down: your body and hands stay firm when going up and let go or relax when moving down.
  2. Core: stay firm, practice muscle
  3. Core muscle: practice twist. twist waist for 45degeree, wrist both waist and heap for 90 degree but no twisting knees
  4. Shoulder: stay down as much as you can. use your both back shoulder bones. practice up-down few time then down down much as possible.
  5. When Move: Shoulder is always parallel to floor.
  6. Going down: relax; going up: tight and tall.
  7. Waist: front, back and both sides (more used)
  8. Tight your butt: place a coin between your leg to practice. help to stabilize in all poses. it stabilize your movements
  9. Extend arms: elbows naturally point to out-back . make them point to your sides.
  10. Core and shoulders: use core muscles for the movements. use shoulders to move arms.

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