Secret Garden – Sometimes when it rains
“这优美的萨克斯声音就像一条河,左岸是我无法忘却的回忆,右岸是我值得紧握的璀璨年华,中间流淌的,是我年年岁岁淡淡的感伤…” Tiktok Youtube
Full blessings
“这优美的萨克斯声音就像一条河,左岸是我无法忘却的回忆,右岸是我值得紧握的璀璨年华,中间流淌的,是我年年岁岁淡淡的感伤…” Tiktok Youtube
Change self vs change others There are only screening and filtering, no educating and ‘raising’ in adult world. Trying to change other is a draining and worthless effort. Focus on improving yourself is a challenging but blessing growth. 2. Only
Dough: Add some salt into flour and mix pull some hot water and mix. add some yeast to warm water and pull in flour. add some oil and mix and kneed until smooth. raise for 30-60 min. Inside: cooking oil
Being: Parents accepting and unconditional love – kids would accept themselves when group up. Doing: Start to give easy and small task to have kids accomplish by themselves then praise them. The accumulation of small tasks could contribute to big
For property investor. by Dr. Fang
Meditation for your body: Sorry for the damage I have done to you. Please forgive me. Thank you for supporting my daily life I love you, every part of you, and will take good care of you.
We tend to be busy at managing ourselves but ignore our lives themselves. Work hard then relax yourself is a beautiful dance with sweet balance. High energy being: spending time with your whole unconditional self everyday , feel the existences,
Realize individual vs categories (also from improving organizing ) Realize bring the default from past experience. Brain has default connections that is quick and easy. Relax your body and soul so you can think out of default being more considerate.