Little thoughts
Don’t raise your kids like racing horse.
Full blessings
Don’t raise your kids like racing horse.
Use physical activity manage your body biochemistry, when feeling miserable you are sending each cell of your body messages that you don’t want to live which makes you body heavy and after a while it would make your body sick,
始于颜值,敬于才华,合于性格,久于善良,终于人品 孤阴不长孤阳不生,要阴阳平衡
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Mouth: open biggest for 10 seconds and let it go; Open widest then repeat Eye: Open biggest Neck: tighten it Shoulder: lift both side Chest: open widest Back: stay tallest Tummy: suck in Butt: tighten together Arms:90 degree hand in
Beefsteak plants: Perilla (purple or green) Alpine strawberries Blueberry: Bluecrop, patriot, legacy. Leafy veg: raised bed Tomatos: Cheloke, beefsteak, Honey drop, Barry’s cherry Fruit tree: Shinseiki Asian Pear Tree – from in Sept 2024 Ichi-Ki-Kei-Jiro Asian Persimmon – small
From the second of stress hormone triggered to when it’s flashed out is only 90 seconds. race your self with the following evaluation to get on the direction of solving issue. a. not true b. can I do something c.
When you own something, be careful to not be owned by it. Let the storm clean you path instead of destroying you. Don’t become the prison of the past. Don’t spend time worrying, everything is in God’s hand, pray to
Grand following and mix Turmeric 姜黄 Cinnamon 桂皮 Anis八角 Pepper corn 花椒 Black pepper 黑胡椒