Author: To Mine and Beyond
Pork mooncake
Empower me
Resilience ability of recover; Grit ; Learn/improve from hardship “生命最大的荣耀不是从来没有失败,而是每次失败后的不断奋起。” -Nelson Mandela ”生存下来的不是最强的生物,也不是最聪明的生物, 而是最能够适应变化的生物” – Charles Darwin “任何不能杀死我的都会让我更强大!” – Friedrich Nietzsche
Complain vs Do something
from relationship to parenting even for raising little kids. thoughts from a clip about Harvard education Help with love (someone willing or trying to figure out) Against Separate problem with person connect problem with person Understand him, listen then find
Baking soda vs soda ash(dietary alkali )
Baking soda: for raise dough Dietary Alkali: for balance sour flavor or add dark color to food. Making Soda ash from baking soda: 200° bake for half an hour , cool down you made dietary alkali dada ash
Book to read
Read more and think less! 杨绛传 不被定义的年龄 How to look at money
Sermon to improve relationships
Aug 4: Sermon: pastor Mike 1 Corinthians 12:20-22 : As it is, there are many parts, but one body. 21 The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I
Washing each piece of dandelion is such a wasting of time? It depends on what is in your brain while washing. it applies to pretty much everything you do physically. Focus on what you do at the moment or even