Personal development 6 abilities

  1. Persistent in doing one thing that is good for you. most people can’t. keep doing it the benefits would be exponentially grow.
  2. Distribute what you desire reasonably not try to eliminate them – self-discipline. how much sweets vs how much healthy food everyday.
  3. Gift yourself physically and spiritually. buy yourself a gift, praise yourself a good thing done, big or small.
  4. Care less about what other people think. nobody cares you that much as you thought. enjoy what you like to do and don’t be afraid to say No to others. sing like nobody hear, dance like nobody see.
  5. Accept different opinions remembering people are very different. you don’t need to be right or the best as no one will think so. 微风拂过脸庞,你我身心无恙
  6. Live the moment. Stress are from upset about the past and worry about the future.

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