上海鲜肉馒头&香菇菜包 Shanghai Steam Buns

Dough: warm water with yeast and sugar. flower in to mix and knead and set for 2+ hours to rise. Dough should not be too soft.

Fresh pork filling:

1. Oil stir fry 1/4 ground pork adding soy sauce, oyster sauce, Tian-Mian Jiang, salt and sugar until it task good. dark soy sauce for color only. adding more would create bitter taste.

2. Stir #1 into raw ground pork, add black/fresh mushroom, salt, sugar black/white pepper.

3. Stir in same direction adding onion ginger broth (no cooking oil)

4. Keep stir adding soy sauce and sesame oil until it thick and sticky.

Green Vegi and blank mushroom filling:

  1. Vegetable in boiling water with some salt for few minutes.
  2. Squeeze water out of vegetable and chop to small pieces.
  3. Stir in some cooling oil or sesame oil. to lock the water in.
  4. Chop tofu and black mushroom to small pieces and add in to mix.
  5. Add sugar, Hondashi and white pepper.
  6. Right before making the steam bun with fillings add salt. to do this last is to prevent watery filling.

Steam buns

  1. Make buns with filling and set for one hour uncovered for the second raise.
  2. cold water high temperature until boiling and steaming.
  3. Turn to median temperature and steam for 10-15.
  4. Leave the lip on until 5-10 min later.
  5. Open and enjoy.

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